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November 2023


John’s latest Manuscript with collaborators at Indiana University and the University of Oxford, titled, “Mutation in the Bone Morphogenetic Protein signaling pathway sensitize zebrafish and human to ethanol-induced jaw malformations,” has been posted on BioRxiv and submitted for publication.


October 2023


The lab received an excellent score for their first R01!!!


Both Hieu and Raeden presented posters at Research!Louisville here at U of L.


June 2023


Ben and Hieu presented posters at 46th Annual Research Society on Alcoholism Scientific Meeting in Bellevue, Washington while Raeden resented a poster at 63rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention in Charleston, South Carolina.


April 2023


Ben was part of a virtual webinar series for the International Zebrafish Society titled, “The ins (absorption) and outs (excretion) of zebrafish toxicology studies” with Drs. Dan Gorelick and Jessica Plavicki.


Ben was a co-author on a collaboration with the Mosimann lab out of University of Colorado, Anschutz School of Medicine titled, “Next-generation plasmids for transgenesis in zebrafish and beyond.”


March 2023


Ben gave a talk titled, “A tale of alcohol and three cells: the CONTEXT of epithelial morphogenesis” for the Department of Biology at the University of South Dakota.


Undergraduate Sam gave a talk titled, “Examining the effects of small carbon alcohols on zebrafish embryo development” at the Ohio Zebrafish Undergraduate Research Conference at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio.


February 2023


Ben gave a talk titled, “A tale of alcohol and three cells: the CONTEXT of epithelial morphogenesis” for the Department of Integrative Biology at Oklahoma State University.


November 2022


Both Hieu and Raeden presented posters at the Southwest Regional Meeting for the Society of Developmental Biology


John and Raeden published “The Zebrafish Tol2 System: A Modular and Flexible Gateway-Based Transgenesis Approach” in JoVE!


October 2022


Ben gave a talk titled, “Genetic screening for ethanol-sensitive zebrafish mutants identifies complex signaling interactions in anterior endoderm and jaw development at the 10th Aquatic Models of Human Disease Conference in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.


We bid farewell to John as he moves to health services across the river in Indiana. He has the goal of returning to school and completing a masters in statics. We wish him the best.

July 2022


Ben presented a poster at the Annual Society of Developmental Biology Meeting in Vancouver, Canada


February 2022


Ben gave a talk titled, “Alcohol and a tale of 2 cells: the context of jaw development for the Department of Genetics at the University of Georgia.


December 2021

Undergraduate Evanne successfully graduated!!!!! Congrats Evanne!!!!! Best of luck as you prepare for Med School!!!!

October 2021

Ben and Dr. Yohann Fernandes of the University of South Dakota had a manuscript accepted for publication! "Zebrafish models of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders" will be printed in Genesis.

August 2021

We have two rotating students this fall, rotating Master's student Monika Thapa and rotating PhD student Andrea Poole. Welcome to the Lovely Lab.

July 2021


Ben gave a virtual poster presentation at the 16th International Zebrafish Conference.


June 2021

Undergraduate Sam is back in the lab this summer and he is joined by Evanne. High school student Liltoyria is working in the lab as part of the Louisville Science Pathways Program.

March 2021


Ben gave two virtual talks titled, “Ethanol and a tale of two cells: the context of jaw development” for the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology here at U of L and for the Neural Crest Research Colloquia.


January 2021

We have our second graduate trainee! Raeden Gray has joined the lab as a PhD student. 

We bid farewell to Gina as she moves from the research world to the business world. She is opening a dog park bar here in Louisville ( We wish her and her new business the best.

August 2020


Ben gave a virtual talk titled, “Gene-ethanol interactions and their impact on facial development” for the Department of Biology at Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis.


February 2020
Ben and Gina will be traveling to Italy for the Gordon Conference on Craniofacial Morphogenesis and Tissue Regeneration. Ben will be speaking and Gina will be presenting a poster on Bmp-ethanol interactions on endoderm and craniofacial development.

January 2020
​We have our first graduate trainee! Hieu Vo has joined the lab as a PhD student.

Undergraduate Sam is back in the lab this semester and he is joined by Sofia.​

December 2019
Ben gave a talk titled, “Requirement for Bmp signaling in endoderm and jaw development identified from a gene-ethanol screen in zebrafish” at the 1st annual Southeast Regional Zebrafish Conference.
1st Annual Lovely Lab Chili Cook off. - 3rd John Klem, 2nd Sydney Smith, 1st Danielle Little!

November 2019

Ben is co 1st author a manuscript from the Eberhart lab that has been accepted!!! "Novel ethanol‐sensitive mutants identified in an F3 forward genetic screen" will be printed in ACER.

The Lab's 2nd manuscript has been accepted!!! "Animal Models of Gene-Alcohol Interactions" will be printed in Birth Defects Research.

October 2019
The Lab's 1st manuscript has been accepted!!! "Quantification of Ethanol Levels in Zebrafish Embryos Using Head Space Gas Chromatography" will be printed and a video will be filmed for JoVE.

July 2019

John officially joined the lab.

June 2019

Kevin officially joined the lab.

​Ben gave a talk at the 2019 Midwest Zebrafish Meeting titled "Zebrafish genetic screens identify ethanol susceptibility loci necessary for palate development."

May 2019
Undergraduates Sam and Rachel joined the lab for summer projects.​

March 2019

Ben gave a keynote talk at the Gordon Research Seminar on Alcohol Induced Tissue Injury titled "Using zebrafish to model gene-ethanol interactions and their impact on craniofacial development."

January 2019

Ben gave a talk at the 8th Strategic Conference of Zebrafish Investigators titled "Zebrafish genetic screens identify ethanol susceptibility loci necessary for palate development."

Undergraduates Ally and Liz joined the lab.

July 2018

​​Ben gave an interview on UofL Today with Mark Hebert where he spoke about the lab's research into FASD using zebrafish.

June 2018

​​Ben gave a talk at The Teratology Society 58th Annual Meeting titled "Gene-ethanol interactions and their impact on craniofacial development."

May 2018
High school students Ashley and Carley joined the lab for summer projects.

January 2018

We are up and running!!!!

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